Monday 7 May 2012

Swimming and Health

Swimming is a sport that benefits in many ways and helps a person in any age to enjoy, relax and exercise at the same time. Furthermore it is a healthy activity that can be carried out for a life time and it works all the muscles in the body with out much pain. Swimming can develop the strength, cardiovascular fitness and stamina (Luebbers, 2012).
Therefore swimming can improve and benefits a person's cardiovascular system, when it improves the body's use of oxygen without overworking the heart (The lifescript editorial staff, 2006). According to the same article when the swimmer able to swim longer the heart rate and respiratory rate will be reduce and it make blood flow to the heart and lungs more efficiently. 
If a person training regularly swimming can helps a person release stress and if you having an injury then swimming can help to keep up your regular exercise. Lots of work out sessions specially kicking or water aerobics will help if a person having an injury because the weight of the body is not pounding directly on that person (Luebbers, 2012).  Moreover since swimming have a low risk of injury there's no stress on bones, joints or connective tissues. In addition low risk of  injury helps the older people to relax stiff muscles without weight carrying (The lifescript editorial staff, 2006).
Also spending some time in a group workout such as water aerobics or even swimming practices   is great for socializing and relax your mind and it will helps to focus more on rhythm making life more refreshed and active (Luebbers, 2012). 
Therefore as mentioned above and according to Health Benefits of Swimming (n.d.), some major benefits that helps a person's health can list as below. 
- It helps to maintain the blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
- Reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and diabetes.
- Improves the flexibility and boost up physical activity.
- Good work out choice for pregnant woman and injured or people suffering from arthritis and back pain.
- It can be used as a warm-up and cool-down activity.
- With regulated breathing it can give a soothing effect on mind and body of a person. 

Reference list

Health Benefits of Swimming. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Luebbers, M. (2012). What's Good About Swimming: Some of the health benefits of swimming. Retrieved from

The lifescript editorial staff. (2006). The health benefits of swimming. Retrieved from

WVUHealthcare. (2010, August 9). Swimming Benefits-WVU Health Report [Video file]. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Some spacing between paragraphs like your previous posts?
