Synchronized swimming which is also known as water ballet is first inspired from one of the founding father of USA, Benjamin Franklin and while he was swimming in The Thames river he performed a certain type of a swim which he called "ornamental Swimming" for the entertainment of observers (History of Synchronized Swimming, n.d.).
However later on the first water ballet was held in Berlin in 1891 and the credit for inventing the today well known sport, 'Synchronized Swimming" is given to an Australian born actor and swimer Annette Kellerman where she was a champion swimmer, diver and practiced ballerina (History of Synchronized Swimming, n.d.).
What is Synchronized Swimming?
Synchronized swimming which have close relationship with swimming mainly combines elements of swimming, dance and gymnastics and it will help to develop special water skills, strength, flexibility, timing and team work (Synchronized Swimming, 2012).
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The Sport
When consider it as a sport synchronized swimming, the athletes who compete are trained and choreographed to music and usually a team consist of 8 members (Synchronized swimming, n.d.). There are solo, duet and team events and the swimmers are graded on a scale of 0 to 10 on their performance and during a routine swimmers will do a list of elements, combination of figures and different swimming strokes (Synchronized swimming, n.d.).
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One of my first performance did for school swimming pool opening. Me at the right |
A bit of my experience
During my school years i have participated in several synchronized swimming group performances. I followed synchronized swimming more as a hobby than a sport and personally not mastered as much as swimming. However synchronized swimming is some thing i enjoyed doing and it helped me to improve my rhythmic skills apart from my music lessons. I participated in several water ballets done by my school team for openings of pools and swimming meets for entertainment. In my opinion synchronized swimming is not a easy sport to do but a very good one to polish your team work skills and relax your mind.
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Me in the right corner |
Reference list
History of Synchronized Swimming. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Synchronized swimming. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Synchronized Swimming. (2012). Retrieved from
Wow... that is wonderful!! You look so cute in those pictures Dee.... I now know more about synchronized swimming thanks ^_^